Chicago Ties: Faces and Places on The U

Not only is
The U a proud Chicago TV station, but many of our shows are brimming with
Chicago connections—whether it's an actor born and raised here or a show set
right in the heart of the city. Think you know Chicago? Take our quiz and see
if you can spot the Chicago ties in some of our most popular, and upcoming, shows!
Which of our upcoming fall show stars was a cast member in the Chicago-based show "Family Matters?"
Which "Seinfeld" cast member made their Chicago stage debut this summer at the Chicago Shakespeare Theatre?
Which "Chicago P.D." actor was born in Oak Park, Illinois?
Which of our upcoming fall show stars previously portrayed a Chicago cop in the comedy sitcom, "Mike & Molly?"
Which "Modern Family" star was nominated for a Golden Globe for his role in the popular Chicago-based sitcom "Married...with Children?"
Which actor from "The Conners" is a longtime ensemble member of Chicago's Steppenwolf Theatre Company?
Which popular Chicago restaurant has been featured on "Chicago P.D.?"
Which reality court show was filmed in Chicago?
Which "Seinfeld" cast member is an alumnus of the Second City Touring Company?
At the beginning of his career, which TV talk show host anchored local news in Chicago for a short time?