
Svengoolie Gets You Ready for the Return of Superman & Lois

The season 2 premiere of Superman & Lois is coming up FAST and who better to catch us up on season 1 than one of Superman's buddies in the DC comic world...Svengoolie?! 

In season 1 of Superman & Lois, Clark and Lois move back to Clark's hometown, Smallville so that they can spend more time with their boys and be more of a family. Little did they know, there problems had only just begun. From the develoment of one son's powers to marital problems and Superman's evil stepbrother, this season was one action-packed rollar coaster that left us wanting more. 

Now, that wait is finally coming to a close! Don't miss the season 2 premiere of Superman & Lois Tuesday at 7P on CW26. Also, get your fright on with the encore presentation of Svengoolie, Saturdays at 11A on CW26.